Temuulen Erdenebulgan

Software Engineer | Entrepreneur | Pianist


Hello! 😄 My name is Temuulen Erdenebulgan. I graduated from Luther College in 2021, majored in Computer Science, now I work at John Deere as a SWE. For the past five years, I have been using an online learning platform. I watch a lot of educational websites from Udemy, Coursera, and StackOverflow and love reading books. Apart from schoolwork, I like to learn more about Data Structures and Algorithms and play the piano. I have been playing piano for 15 years now. Also, I love sharing my experiences with other people. I learned to code when I came to Luther College. Now, it's my passion to follow my dream which is to improve peoples' lives better.

English - Mongolian

Interested In
Business, Software Engineer, Music


Programming Languages

  • Python
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • TypeScript
  • SQL

  • Front End
  • React.js
  • Angular
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • React Component Libraries

  • Backend and Database
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Flask
  • RESTful API
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB

  • Machine Learning

  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Recomender Systems
  • Neural Networks
  • Convolutional Nueral Network
  • Recurrent Neural Network

  • Developer Tools
  • Web Scraping
  • Git
  • Firebase
  • Heroku
  • Pytest
  • Jest/React Testing Library

  • Work Experience

    Software Engineer: Site Reliablity Engineer
    @John Deere // World Hdq, USA
    Feb 2022 – Present
    • Coming soon.

    Software Developer
    @Bright Power, Inc // New York, NY
    Sep 2021 – Jan 2022
    • Optimized MySQL queries by converting views into tables; Increased loading time from 1 minute to 2 seconds
    • Implemented new features and fixed backend bugs with the help of senior engineers; closed 35 Python tickets
    • Researched Tableau JavaScript API embed in Angular project
    • Utilized: Python, MySQL, Angular, Rancher, Docker, AWS

    Web Developer & Help Desk Technician
    @Luther College Technology Services
    Mar 2019 – May 2021
    • Investigated and fixed bugs in JavaScript and Python code and improved the user experience on the website
    • Provided software support to approx. 2800 students, faculty, and staff; effectively troubleshot 2400 issues/year
    • Utilized: JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, Linux, macOS, Windows

    Software Engineering ~ Front End Intern
    @Mongolian IT Professionals in USA
    July 2020 – Aug 2020
    • Developed a web form for Referral 2.0 Program that connects participants with highly skilled software referrers for a job application in the USA
    • Implemented customer-friendly interfaces by independently researching and testing an AWS database that interacts with RESTful APIs using Java, ReactJs, and Postman with two other mentors

    @Luther College Computer Science Society
    Sept 2019 – Dec 2019
    • Instructed over 20 Luther students in lessons on software engineering skills: linux and robotics
    • Organized computer science-related events: IBM meetings and Hackathon for Luther students

    @Luther College Peace Dining Center
    Sept 2017 – Sept 2020
    • Played relaxing classical, jazz, church, and cover piano music on every Sunday morning at Luther College Peace Dining Center


    Jesse Mulert - Technology Help Desk Co-Lead

    Jesse Mulert - Technology Help Desk Co-Lead


    Name Description
    Davis Project For Peace 2020 My project got selected for the Davis Project For Peace 2020. Davis Project encourages students to use their creativity to design projects and employ innovative techniques for engaging project participants in ways that focus on conflict resolution, reconciliation, building understanding and breaking down barriers which cause conflict, and finding solutions for resolving conflict and maintaining peace. Projects will be selected for funding at $10,000 each For more information
    To read the accepted proposal: Click Here
    Cloned Popular Websites Cloned Facebook Messenger, Google Search, Tinder, Todo app, and Covid-19 Tracker using React and deployed them on Firebase; Utilized: JavaScript, React, Python, Github, HTML, CSS. You can check them out on my GitHub page.
    Weather API This is one of my school projects where I used openweather API and Google Maps API to display the weather in Celcius. When a user enters the city name, Google Map gets the coordinator from openweather to display it on the map. A user should enter the city name and click the button, it shows the weather and where the city is located. Furthermore, the website uses local storage which means the last city will remain on the website when the user refreshes the page. For more information
    To see the final website: Click Here
    Online Shopping (In Progress) Due to Covid-19, I think small businesses should run their services online. Therefore, I decided to make this online shopping store.
    1) It uses SQLite3 for database, Flask, and pandas for now. But, I am thinking about using *psycopg2*, *records* instead of pandas
    2) For now, admin can enter data, remove data in admin interface
    3) Costumer can see what admin added.
    4) Draft 2 is coming soon
    To see the final website, Click Here
    Simple Book Challenge (In Progress) This is also one of my school projects where I used Python Flask, SQLAlchemy, CSV, Own persistent API, and PythonAnywhere to build this website.
    1) Reads data from the Database. (Data is downloaded from Kaggle Source)
    2) Click Challenge to get a random book name, PythonAnywhere
    3) User can add book names and comments by clicking myList
    4) Can Log Out if wanted
    5) Draft 2 is coming soon
    To see the final website, Click Here
    Simple Blog I used HTML, CSS, and a little bit Javascript to make my first website. Since this is my first website I created, I really like this website. Feel free to take a look at it.
    To see the final website, Click Here